Two women sitting comfortably together on a sofa, smiling at the camera.

Building Awareness

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Liz has been “talking menopause” since early 2019 as an outcome of her own experience of the menopause journey. Working in a high-performance corporate role where she encountered many different reactions to her symptoms, from the supportive to the exact opposite, she became powerfully aware that others were hiding their own experience for fear of judgment.

She has been opening up the conversation ever since, now often in partnership with her daughter and business partner, Catt.

Three women laughing and sitting around a coffee table.

As a speaker, panellist and educator Liz tailors her contributions to the needs of specific audiences to enlighten the listener to the complexies of the menopause transition and what can be done to support those impacted.

As we are believers in the power of open dialogue, we host conversations where information is shared alongside facilitated involvement from all attendees. These can be online, in person or via a podcast service.

The Hive: Community-based coaching for small, intimate cohorts of women, ideal for businesses wanting to provide a high quality benefit and maximise their investment.

The Queen: Bespoke one-on-one coaching

We tailor our services to suit the specific needs of an organisation, their culture, policies, audience mix and desired outcomes, including Line Manager education, women-only and men-only sessions.

A bee harvesting nectar from a yellow flower.
Gallup certified strengths coach
e2grow certified high performing team coach
mbti certified
Consensio Accredited Workplace Mediator
Mental health first aider